
Mining Sheds

Whether you are mining sand, soil, granite or gold, Bison have the solution for your company.

Founded on core principles of rock-hard common sense, the team at Bison understand that minerals, crushed rock and precious stone, all need protection from spoil and erosion. Be sure to discuss the substance you are proposing to cover as various options for steel corrosion are available.

Think of a mezzanine towering above the work area housing an office or platform where you can comfortably view your operation. The Bison roof also supports monorail cranes for those workshops which need handy lifting mechanisms to make anyone’s life that little bit easier.

Bison won’t shy away from a challenging project and look forward to hearing from you!

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Maybe you need to suspend conveyors off the Bison structure - NO PROBLEM - our robust columns and strong loadbearing trusses will stand the test of time.

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We understand safety is paramount. Consider building an entire roof at ‘gut’ height. This significantly reduces build times and creates a cost effective project stress free. Gone are the days of fitting your machinery around the shed, we fit your shed around your machinery! With our wide bay designs and girder trusses creating unobstructed spaces, we can cover masses of product/resources with ease.

  • Industrial Processing

The strength of our columns will also handle ‘swing out’ gantry’s, giving further solutions to your remote work site. The Bison system can cope with uneven, out of level surfaces, unequal bay spacing’s, and different roof levels. If it’s what you need – tell us – we design structures for you not ourselves! Seeing is believing, when Bison call in the cranes and effortlessly lift multiple tonnes of roof anywhere, on time!

Thinking of height constraints?...... Not a problem for Bison. We can design and build a robust structure in excess of 12mtrs. There is no limitation as the size and weight of the steel we use is relative to the height of the shed and the width of the span.

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Contact us today and see how our team can turn your ideas into reality.

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